home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- // MP_Druckkammern_TOW
- // Note: For objective function calls TakeOver and SetCurrent the
- // teams are as such:
- // 0 = Axis
- // 1 = Allies
- // 2 = Neutral
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- // Main
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- main:
- level.script="maps/obj/MP_Druckkammern_TOW.scr"
- level.music="MP_Druckkammern_TOW"
- //Farplane Color and Distance ((Don't move or Weather.SCR will over-write.))
- $world farplane 4000
- //$world farplane_cull 2
- //$world farplane_bias -1024
- setcvar "g_scoreboardpic" "mp_druckkammern_tow"
- level.gametype = int( getcvar( g_gametype ) )
- //Exec our helper scripts
- exec global/tow_dm.scr
- exec global/dm_ai.scr
- exec global/friendly.scr
- exec global/ambient.scr
- exec global/weather.scr
- exec global/door_locked.scr::lock
- //gametype 5 = Tug of War
- if( level.gametype == 5 )
- {
- setcvar "g_obj_alliedtext1" "Protect the Transport"
- setcvar "g_obj_alliedtext2" "Disengage U-Boat Clamps"
- setcvar "g_obj_alliedtext3" "Open Pen Doors"
- setcvar "g_obj_alliedtext4" "Steal U-Boat"
- setcvar "g_obj_alliedtext5" "Detonate German Entrance"
- setcvar "g_obj_axistext1" "Protect Entrance"
- setcvar "g_obj_axistext2" "Close Pen Doors"
- setcvar "g_obj_axistext3" "Engage U-Boat Clamps"
- setcvar "g_obj_axistext4" "Prevent U-Boat Theft"
- setcvar "g_obj_axistext5" "Destroy Allied Transport"
- }
- else
- {
- //This will remove the bombs so that we can play in other modes...
- $boat_bomb remove
- $fuel_depot_bomb remove
- // set scoreboard messages
- setcvar "g_obj_alliedtext1" "Druckkammern"
- setcvar "g_obj_alliedtext2" ""
- setcvar "g_obj_alliedtext3" ""
- setcvar "g_obj_axistext1" ""
- setcvar "g_obj_axistext2" ""
- setcvar "g_obj_axistext3" ""
- }
- //////////////////////////
- level waittill prespawn
- //////////////////////////
- //////////////////////////
- level waittill spawn
- //////////////////////////
- //Hide the bodies!
- $bodies1 hide
- $bodies2 hide
- $bodies3 hide
- $bodies4 hide
- //init the sub
- thread init_sub
- //Globals
- level.bClampsSwitchDown = 0
- level.bDoorsSwitchDown = 0
- level.clampsEngaged = 1
- level.bRoundStarted = 0
- level.bClampsMoving = 0
- // set the parameters for this round based match
- level.dmrespawning = 1 // 1 or 0
- level.dmroundlimit = 15 // round time limit in minutes
- level.clockside = axis // set to axis, allies, kills, or draw
- level.numObjectives = 5 // Number of objectives needed to win
- //////////////////////////
- level waittill roundstart
- //////////////////////////
- //TOW match init the TOW stuff
- if( level.gametype == 5 )
- {
- //init the switch handles
- thread init_objective_switch_handles
- //Init the spawner bombs
- thread init_spawner_bombs
- //Init the sub clamps
- thread init_sub_clamps
- //Setup the starting team objectives
- thread set_objectives
- level.bRoundStarted = 1
- }
- thread start_generator_sound
- end
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- //Sound for Generators
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- start_generator_sound:
- $gen_sound_speaker loopsound power_generator
- end
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- //Destroy the allied spawner here
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- destroy_allied_spawner local.planter:
- //Make sure we are the allies
- iprintln "The Allied Transport has been destroyed!"
- //Take over the objective
- $obj_allied_spawner TakeOver 0
- //Give the planter some points
- if( local.planter != NULL && local.planter != NIL )
- {
- local.planter AddKills 5
- }
- iprintln "The Allied Team can no longer respawn!"
- //See if someone won
- thread Check_End_Match
- end
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- //Destroy the axis spawner here
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- destroy_axis_spawner local.planter:
- iprintln "The Axis Entrance has been destroyed!"
- $obj_axis_spawner TakeOver 1
- //blow up stuff
- $hose_explo_1 thread Do_Fuel_Tank_Explosion
- wait 2
- $fuel_explo_1 thread Do_Fuel_Tank_Explosion
- wait 1
- $fuel_explo_2 thread Do_Fuel_Tank_Explosion
- wait .5
- $fuel_explo_3 thread Do_Fuel_Tank_Explosion
- iprintln "The Axis Team can no longer respawn!"
- //Give the planter some points
- if( local.planter != NULL && local.planter != NIL )
- {
- local.planter AddKills 5
- }
- //See if someone won
- thread Check_End_Match
- end
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- //Open/close the sub pen doors here
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- toggle_subpen_doors:
- if( level.bRoundStarted == 1 )
- {
- if( parm.other.dmteam == axis )
- {
- if( $obj_subpen_doors.ControlledBy != 0 && $obj_steal_sub.ControlledBy != 1 )
- {
- //Flip the switch
- thread sub_doors_switch
- //Take over the objective
- $obj_subpen_doors TakeOver 0
- //Close the pen doors
- $subpen_doors close $door_entity
- $subpen_doors playsound subpen_doors_close
- //Give 2 points for taking objective
- parm.other AddKills 2
- iprintln "The Axis have closed the Pen Doors!"
- }
- }
- else if( parm.other.dmteam == allies )
- {
- if( $obj_subpen_doors.ControlledBy != 1 )
- {
- //Flip the switch
- thread sub_doors_switch
- //Take over the objective
- $obj_subpen_doors TakeOver 1
- //Open the doors
- $subpen_doors open $door_entity
- $subpen_doors playsound subpen_doors_open
- //Give 2 points for taking objective
- parm.other AddKills 2
- iprintln "The Allies have opened the Pen Doors!"
- }
- }
- //Did anyone win?
- thread Check_End_Match
- //Update team current objectives
- thread set_objectives
- }
- end
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- //Open/close the sub clamps
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- toggle_sub_clamps:
- if( (level.bRoundStarted == 1) && (level.bClampsMoving == 0) )
- {
- if( parm.other.dmteam == axis )
- {
- if( $obj_sub_clamps.ControlledBy != 0 )
- {
- level.bClampsMoving = 1 // set semaphore
- //Take the objective
- $obj_sub_clamps TakeOver 0
- iprintln "The Axis have engaged the Sub Clamps!"
- //Update team current objectives
- thread set_objectives
- //Flip the switch
- thread sub_clamps_switch
- //engage the clamps
- waitthread engage_sub_clamps
- //Give 2 points for taking objective
- parm.other AddKills 2
- level.bClampsMoving = 0 // clear semaphore
- waitthread Check_End_Match
- }
- }
- else if( parm.other.dmteam == allies )
- {
- if( $obj_sub_clamps.ControlledBy != 1 )
- {
- level.bClampsMoving = 1 // set semaphore
- //Take the objective
- $obj_sub_clamps TakeOver 1
- iprintln "The Allies have disengaged the Sub Clamps!"
- //Update team current objectives
- thread set_objectives
- //Flip the switch
- thread sub_clamps_switch
- //disengage the clamps
- waitthread disengage_sub_clamps
- //Give 2 points for taking objective
- parm.other AddKills 2
- level.bClampsMoving = 0 // clear semaphore
- waitthread Check_End_Match
- }
- }
- //Did anyone win?
- thread Check_End_Match
- //Update team current objectives
- thread set_objectives
- }
- end
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- //steal the sub
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- steal_sub:
- if( level.bRoundStarted == 1 )
- {
- //Only the allies can actually take this objective
- if( parm.other.dmteam != axis && $obj_steal_sub.ControlledBy != 1 )
- {
- if( $obj_sub_clamps.ControlledBy == 1 && $obj_subpen_doors.ControlledBy == 1 )
- {
- local.winstate = int( getcvar( g_TOW_winstate ) )
- if( local.winstate == 0 )
- {
- //Give 2 points for taking objective
- parm.other AddKills 2
- drawhud 0
- setcvar "g_TOW_winstate" "2"
- //Flip the switch
- thread start_sub_switch
- $obj_steal_sub TakeOver 1
- $player nodamage
- $player hide
- $player notsolid
- $player safeholster 1
- freezeplayer
- //ignore the clock for the movies
- level ignoreclock 1
- //if there is a bomb ticking stop it.
- waitthread global/tow_dm.scr::StopBomb
- //if the axis managed to hit the close doors switch after the
- $subpen_doors open $door_entity
- thread sub_exit
- wait 25
- iprintln "The Allies have stolen the U-Boat!"
- teamwin allies
- }
- }
- else if( $obj_sub_clamps.ControlledBy == 0 && $obj_subpen_doors.ControlledBy == 0 )
- {
- //Clamps locked doors closed
- parm.other iprint "Pen Doors and Submarine Clamps must be disengaged before launching"
- }
- else if( $obj_sub_clamps.ControlledBy == 0 && $obj_subpen_doors.ControlledBy == 1 )
- {
- //Clamps locked Doors open
- parm.other iprint "Submarine Clamps must be disengaged before launching"
- }
- else if( $obj_sub_clamps.ControlledBy == 1 && $obj_subpen_doors.ControlledBy == 0 )
- {
- //Clamps open doors locked
- parm.other iprint "Pen Doors must be opened before launching"
- }
- }
- //Did anyone win?
- thread Check_End_Match
- //Update team current objectives
- thread set_objectives
- }
- end
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- //Set the teams current objectives
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- set_objectives:
- //First lets do the allies
- if( $obj_sub_clamps.ControlledBy == 0 )
- {
- $obj_sub_clamps SetCurrent 1
- }
- else if( $obj_subpen_doors.ControlledBy == 0 )
- {
- $obj_subpen_doors SetCurrent 1
- }
- else if( $obj_steal_sub.ControlledBy == 0 )
- {
- $obj_steal_sub SetCurrent 1
- }
- //Now the Axis
- if( $obj_subpen_doors.ControlledBy == 1 )
- {
- $obj_subpen_doors SetCurrent 0
- }
- else if( $obj_sub_clamps.ControlledBy == 1 )
- {
- $obj_sub_clamps SetCurrent 0
- }
- else
- {
- $obj_allied_spawner SetCurrent 0
- }
- end
- //--------------------------------------------------------------
- //Move the clamps handle
- //--------------------------------------------------------------
- sub_clamps_switch:
- if( level.bClampsSwitchDown == 0 )
- {
- $clamp_handle_origin speed 1.0
- $clamp_handle_origin rotatexdownto -90
- $clamp_handle_origin waitmove
- $clamp_handle_origin playsound switchbox
- level.bClampsSwitchDown = 1
- }
- else
- {
- $clamp_handle_origin rotatexupto 0
- $clamp_handle_origin waitmove
- level.bClampsSwitchDown = 0
- }
- end
- //--------------------------------------------------------------
- //Move the doors handle
- //--------------------------------------------------------------
- sub_doors_switch:
- if( level.bDoorsSwitchDown == 0 )
- {
- $subpen_doors_handle_origin speed 1.0
- $subpen_doors_handle_origin rotatezdownto 90
- $subpen_doors_handle_origin waitmove
- $subpen_doors_handle_origin playsound switchbox
- level.bDoorsSwitchDown = 1
- }
- else
- {
- $subpen_doors_handle_origin rotatezupto 0
- $subpen_doors_handle_origin waitmove
- level.bDoorsSwitchDown = 0
- }
- end
- //--------------------------------------------------------------
- //Start the sub switch
- //--------------------------------------------------------------
- start_sub_switch:
- $sub_controls_handle_origin speed 1.0
- $sub_controls_handle_origin rotatezdownto 90
- $sub_controls_handle_origin waitmove
- $sub_controls_handle_origin playsound switchbox
- end
- //--------------------------------------------------------------
- //Init the objective switch handles
- //--------------------------------------------------------------
- init_objective_switch_handles:
- $clamp_handle bind $clamp_handle_origin
- $subpen_door_handle bind $subpen_doors_handle_origin
- $clamp_handle_origin notsolid
- $subpen_doors_handle_origin notsolid
- $clamp_handle notsolid
- $subpen_door_handle notsolid
- end
- //--------------------------------------------------------------
- //Lets get the sub outta dodge
- //--------------------------------------------------------------
- sub_exit:
- drawhud 0
- //remove the sub clamps
- $sub_clamps_1R remove
- $sub_clamps_2R remove
- $sub_clamps_3R remove
- $sub_clamps_4R remove
- $sub_clamps_1L remove
- $sub_clamps_2L remove
- $sub_clamps_3L remove
- $sub_clamps_4L remove
- //remove the ramps
- $ramp1 remove
- $ramp2 remove
- $ramp3 remove
- forcemusic aux2 aux2
- //Stop the sub idle sound
- //$lowerhull stoploopsound
- //wait 1
- //$lowerhull loopsound sub_moving
- //Start the sub rolling
- $lowerhull followpath $sub_path normalangles
- //setup our camera
- $watch_camera fov 80 2
- $watch_camera speed .5
- $watch_camera follow $camera_path $lowerhull
- wait 2
- //Cue the movie baby!
- cuecamera $watch_camera
- $lowerhull move
- //$lowerhull stoploopsound
- end
- //--------------------------------------------------------------
- //init the sub
- //--------------------------------------------------------------
- init_sub:
- //bind the sub objects together
- $upperhull angles "0 90 0"
- $upperhull bind $lowerhull
- $sub_col bind $lowerhull
- $sub_controls_handle bind sub_controls_handle_origin
- //$sub_controls_handle_origin bind $sub_controls
- $sub_controls bind $lowerhull
- //Added by Vex
- $lowerhull loopsound sub_idle
- end
- //-----------------------------------------------
- // Init the spawner bombs
- //-----------------------------------------------
- init_spawner_bombs:
- //Allied spawner bomb
- $boat_bomb thread global/tow_dm.scr::bomb_thinker "axis" maps/obj/MP_Druckkammern_TOW.scr::destroy_allied_spawner
- $fuel_depot_bomb thread global/tow_dm.scr::bomb_thinker "allies" maps/obj/MP_Druckkammern_TOW.scr::destroy_axis_spawner
- end
- //-----------------------------------------------
- // Init the sub clamps
- //-----------------------------------------------
- init_sub_clamps:
- $sub_clamps_1R bind $sub_clamps_1R_origin
- $sub_clamps_2R bind $sub_clamps_2R_origin
- $sub_clamps_3R bind $sub_clamps_3R_origin
- $sub_clamps_4R bind $sub_clamps_4R_origin
- $sub_clamps_1L bind $sub_clamps_1L_origin
- $sub_clamps_2L bind $sub_clamps_2L_origin
- $sub_clamps_3L bind $sub_clamps_3L_origin
- $sub_clamps_4L bind $sub_clamps_4L_origin
- end
- //-----------------------------------------------
- // disengage sub clamps
- //-----------------------------------------------
- disengage_sub_clamps:
- //Disengage the clamps
- if( level.clampsEngaged == 1 )
- {
- //Clamp set 1
- $sub_clamps_1L_origin speed 0.5
- $sub_clamps_1L_origin rotatexdownto -45
- $sub_clamps_1L_origin waitmove
- $sub_clamps_1L_origin playsound subclamp_open
- $sub_clamps_1R_origin speed 0.5
- $sub_clamps_1R_origin rotatexdownto 45
- $sub_clamps_1R_origin waitmove
- $sub_clamps_1R_origin playsound subclamp_open
- wait 2
- //Clamp set 2
- $sub_clamps_2L_origin speed 0.5
- $sub_clamps_2L_origin rotatexdownto -45
- $sub_clamps_2L_origin waitmove
- $sub_clamps_2L_origin playsound subclamp_open
- $sub_clamps_2R_origin speed 0.5
- $sub_clamps_2R_origin rotatexdownto 45
- $sub_clamps_2R_origin waitmove
- $sub_clamps_2R_origin playsound subclamp_open
- wait 2
- //Clamp set 3
- $sub_clamps_3L_origin speed 0.5
- $sub_clamps_3L_origin rotatexdownto -45
- $sub_clamps_3L_origin waitmove
- $sub_clamps_3L_origin playsound subclamp_open
- $sub_clamps_3R_origin speed 0.5
- $sub_clamps_3R_origin rotatexdownto 45
- $sub_clamps_3R_origin waitmove
- $sub_clamps_3R_origin playsound subclamp_open
- wait 2
- //Clamp set 4
- $sub_clamps_4L_origin speed 0.5
- $sub_clamps_4L_origin rotatexdownto -45
- $sub_clamps_4L_origin waitmove
- $sub_clamps_4L_origin playsound subclamp_open
- $sub_clamps_4R_origin speed 0.5
- $sub_clamps_4R_origin rotatexdownto 45
- $sub_clamps_4R_origin waitmove
- $sub_clamps_4R_origin playsound subclamp_open
- level.clampsEngaged = 0
- }
- end
- //-----------------------------------------------
- // engage sub clamps
- //-----------------------------------------------
- engage_sub_clamps:
- //Disengage the clamps
- if( level.clampsEngaged == 0 )
- {
- //Clamp set 1
- $sub_clamps_1L_origin speed 0.5
- $sub_clamps_1L_origin rotatexdownto 0
- $sub_clamps_1L_origin waitmove
- $sub_clamps_1L_origin playsound subclamp_close
- $sub_clamps_1R_origin speed 0.5
- $sub_clamps_1R_origin rotatexdownto 0
- $sub_clamps_1R_origin waitmove
- $sub_clamps_1R_origin playsound subclamp_close
- wait 2
- //Clamp set 2
- $sub_clamps_2L_origin speed 0.5
- $sub_clamps_2L_origin rotatexdownto 0
- $sub_clamps_2L_origin waitmove
- $sub_clamps_2L_origin playsound subclamp_close
- $sub_clamps_2R_origin speed 0.5
- $sub_clamps_2R_origin rotatexdownto 0
- $sub_clamps_2R_origin waitmove
- $sub_clamps_2R_origin playsound subclamp_close
- wait 2
- //Clamp set 3
- $sub_clamps_3L_origin speed 0.5
- $sub_clamps_3L_origin rotatexdownto 0
- $sub_clamps_3L_origin waitmove
- $sub_clamps_3L_origin playsound subclamp_close
- $sub_clamps_3R_origin speed 0.5
- $sub_clamps_3R_origin rotatexdownto 0
- $sub_clamps_3R_origin waitmove
- $sub_clamps_3R_origin playsound subclamp_close
- wait 2
- //Clamp set 4
- $sub_clamps_4L_origin speed 0.5
- $sub_clamps_4L_origin rotatexdownto 0
- $sub_clamps_4L_origin waitmove
- $sub_clamps_4L_origin playsound subclamp_close
- $sub_clamps_4R_origin speed 0.5
- $sub_clamps_4R_origin rotatexdownto 0
- $sub_clamps_4R_origin waitmove
- $sub_clamps_4R_origin playsound subclamp_close
- level.clampsEngaged = 1
- }
- end
- //-----------------------------------------------
- // See if someone won
- //-----------------------------------------------
- Check_End_Match:
- local.nAxis = 0
- local.nAllied = 0
- //Allied Spawner
- if( $obj_allied_spawner.ControlledBy == 0 )
- {
- local.nAxis++
- }
- //Axis Spawner
- if( $obj_axis_spawner.ControlledBy == 0 )
- {
- local.nAxis++
- }
- //Sub Doors
- if( $obj_subpen_doors.ControlledBy == 0 )
- {
- local.nAxis++
- }
- //Sub Clamps
- if( $obj_sub_clamps.ControlledBy == 0 )
- {
- local.nAxis++
- }
- //Submarine
- if( $obj_steal_sub.ControlledBy == 0 )
- {
- local.nAxis++
- }
- //Allies win by stealing the sub which is already handled so we only need to see if the axis have taken all the objectives...
- //Only show the movie if the wingame cvar has not been set yet.
- local.winstate = int( getcvar( g_TOW_winstate ) )
- if( local.winstate == 0 )
- {
- if( local.nAxis == level.numObjectives )
- {
- setcvar "g_TOW_winstate" "1"
- //If the clock expires during the movie ignore it
- level ignoreclock 1
- //if there is a bomb ticking stop it.
- waitthread global/tow_dm.scr::StopBomb
- //Play the cinematic
- thread AxisWon
- }
- }
- end
- //-----------------------------------------------
- // Blow up
- //-----------------------------------------------
- Do_Fuel_Tank_Explosion:
- if (self.exploder_set != NIL)
- {
- exec global/exploder.scr::explode self.exploder_set
- }
- if (self.explosion_fx != NIL)
- {
- self thread spawn_fx self.explosion_fx
- }
- if (self.explosion_sound != NIL)
- {
- self playsound self.explosion_sound
- }
- if (self.target != NIL && self.target != NULL && self.target != "")
- {
- self.target thread blow_up
- waitframe
- }
- radiusdamage self.origin level.bomb_damage level.bomb_explosion_radius
- if (self.killarea != NIL)
- {
- self.killarea volumedamage 1000
- }
- self hide
- self.live = 0
- self.exploded = 1
- end
- //-----------------------------------------------
- //Do some fx
- //-----------------------------------------------
- spawn_fx local.fx:
- local.temp = spawn script_model model local.fx
- local.temp.origin = self.origin
- local.temp anim start
- wait 5
- local.temp remove
- end
- //-----------------------------------------------
- //Blow up a thing
- //-----------------------------------------------
- blow_up:
- if ( self.destroyed_model != NIL )
- {
- local.damaged = self thread spawn_damaged self.destroyed_model
- }
- if( self.target != NIL )
- {
- self.target thread blow_up
- }
- self remove
- end
- //-----------------------------------------------
- //spawn a damaged model
- //-----------------------------------------------
- spawn_damaged local.model:
- local.damaged = spawn script_model model local.model
- local.damaged.origin = self.origin
- local.damaged.angles = self.angles
- end local.damaged
- //-----------------------------------------------
- //Axis have won do their cinematic
- //-----------------------------------------------
- AxisWon:
- drawhud 0
- //Standard hide player stuff
- $player nodamage
- $player hide
- $player notsolid
- $player safeholster 1
- freezeplayer
- level ignoreclock 1
- //spawn the officers
- waitthread global/dm_ai.scr::spawnset 2 officers
- //spawn the colonel
- waitthread global/dm_ai.scr::spawnset 1 colonel
- $colonel thread Do_Axis_Colonel_End
- //Tell the officers to do their ending sequence
- for( local.i = 1; local.i <= $officers.size; local.i++ )
- {
- $officers[local.i] thread Do_Axis_Officers_End
- }
- end
- //-----------------------------------------------
- //Axis colonel handler
- //-----------------------------------------------
- Do_Axis_Colonel_End:
- self nodamage
- forcemusic aux4 aux4
- self walkto self.target
- $cam_follow_comander speed 1.6
- $cam_follow_comander follow $col_camera_path
- $cam_follow_comander cut
- cuecamera $cam_follow_comander
- wait 10
- $cam_behind_dudes fov 60
- $cam_behind_dudes watch self
- $cam_behind_dudes cut
- cuecamera $cam_behind_dudes
- //colonel salutes the officers
- self anim american_salute
- wait 1.6
- //show the bodies
- $bodies1 show
- $bodies2 show
- $bodies3 show
- $bodies4 show
- $axis_camera speed .6
- $axis_camera fov 100
- $axis_camera follow $axis_camera_path
- $axis_camera cut
- cuecamera $axis_camera
- wait 8
- teamwin axis
- end
- //-----------------------------------------------
- //Axis officers handler
- //-----------------------------------------------
- Do_Axis_Officers_End:
- self nodamage
- self lookat $colonel
- local.rand = randomfloat 0.50
- local.wait = 8 + local.rand
- wait local.wait
- //Officers salute the colonel
- self anim american_salute
- self waittill animdone
- self anim atease
- end